Angela Stanley

Board Member

Angela Stanley is a dedicated professional teacher and administrator with 10 years of experience in public services and secondary school teaching. She holds a master’s degree in Education from the University of Dar es Salaam. Angela’s passion for education and her belief in its transformative power led her to join The Brighter Binti Foundation, where she aims to contribute her skills and expertise to help girls and women understand the significance of education.

With her extensive background in teaching and administration, Angela brings valuable insights into the educational landscape and understands the challenges faced by girls and women in accessing quality education. She is committed to promoting education as a vital tool for personal and societal development, empowering girls and women to realize their full potential.

As a board member of The Brighter Binti Foundation, Angela actively participates in shaping the organization’s strategies and initiatives to further its mission of supporting and empowering girls and women through education. Her dedication and commitment make her an invaluable asset to the foundation’s endeavors.